Relationship Skills for Schools

ARC Youth programs help enhance school relationships and are used by public and private schools, churches, community agencies and detention centers to enhance life skills and wise choices.

Active Relationships for Young Adults (ARYA)

The two versions (Secular or Christian) of Active Relationships for Young Adults are a great way to improve attitudes and relationships at home and at school, as well as prepare young people for the future. Our curricula introduce and nurture valuable life skills that enable youth to improve their life skills, school relationships and psychological health.

Understanding how stressful situations affect the body and mind is critical for youth; this helps them learn healthy habits early on so they can successfully navigate adulthood. Important for youth who have not yet learned how to manage emotional upsets and triggers, this course helps young people prepare for the workplace. The tools taught in our youth programs will help people reach a new level of psychological strength, preparing them with high-level emotion regulation and skills to accept personal responsibility for their careers, family and future.

Professional certification training is available ONSITE or ONLINE. Call or email us and let’s get started building your training plan.

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Special Focus Areas for Teens

Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is a serious issue facing today’s youth. Most teenagers are just beginning to learn how to take care of themselves and are not equipped to manage the responsibilities of taking care of children. Our programs for youth and young adults help teens better understand life’s realities, exercise better self-control and make wiser choices.

Active Relationships provides classes for at risk youth across the U.S., including teen pregnancy prevention and refugee populations. ARYA’s use includes youth in programs of YWCA, Youthbuild and charter public schools. ARYA has shown dramatic teen pregnancy prevention results in Texas communities served by Community-based grants. Please contact us for research results if you are interested in focusing on at-risk teen programs.

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Anger is a natural emotion that needs to be properly managed. Some youth are challenged to manage anger in a safe way, but they can develop skills through specially designed exercises and methods to navigate their emotions. ARC curricula also teach youth how to manage emotional triggers through skillful thinking so that they are better able to prevent emotional outbursts and plan and practice healthy responses. The ARYA program is also utilized in juvenile facilities to help youth attain practical skills to manage difficult circumstances for successful futures.

Parallel Adult Training to ARYA

If parents or caregivers would like to take a course parallel to the Active Relationships for Young Adults course, we recommend our companion course called Active Adults. Moms, dads and caregivers learn the same techniques, values and tools being taught to their youth. Active Adults will improve the parents understanding of themselves, their children, their spouse and others – at the workplace and at home!

For families who wish to learn together in the same room, we offer a program called Active Families (for ages 3+). In this great program, parents and children can learn valuable skills together while creating memories and building strong bonds through fun activities and games!

Active Relationships for Young Adults

ARYA is 12 units, each with two sessions. It includes topics ranging from communication skills, emotion management, conflict resolution, making budgets, wise choices in friends and dating, recognizing personal strengths and future planning. Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes and include experiential activities. Authored by Kelly Simpson, MA, LMFT.

It has been a wonderful experience to teach the Active Adults Curriculum at the Brownsville Independent School District Parental Involvement Department. It is amazing how you can hear people’s comments during the class, learning and accepting that there are unsolved issues in their lives and how they realize the need for change. At the end what really fills the heart is to hear them planning to make the necessary changes in their lives to have more solid and stable relationships and trying their best to resolve any issues or conflicts they have.
ARYA offers 12 lessons, that cover everything: Communication, Managing Emotions, Romance, Money Matters, Making Wise Choices and a chapter on the celebration of personal strengths. The classes empower the students with tangible, real life skills. Now marry these skills with a dynamic, passionate teacher that has learned this truth: that what students hear, they may forget, what they see they may remember, but what they do they will UNDERSTAND. So Active Relationships for Young Adults has it all. Dynamic lessons that teach real life skills, group discussion, role-play, vibrant power-points that help guide the students regardless of their individual learning styles. THESE classes are AMAZING!!!